My Herb Cabinet Essentials

A client once asked me how many herbal formulas are in my personal cupboard.

“A lot.” The answer was quick - I’ve been using herbs since I was in my late teens. It makes sense that I have quite a stock, even with my natural tendency to clean out the cupboards. I also enjoy growing and foraging herbs and favor using whole foods and herbs whenever possible - needles to say, I have cupboards full.

“Okay, so if you could only have 10 formulas in your cupboard what would they be?”

Ah, a challenge…this will be fun. 

How shall I approach this challenge?

There are a few absolutes I believe we should all have on hand. You need something to help you battle cold and viruses like Covid, something for digestion, pain, and then a few spaces for personalized formulas.

Here’s my list of the basics in my cupboard.

This list doesn’t include any western pharmaceuticals - though I always have a few on hand like aspirin and an antihistamine for emergencies.

Also these aren’t individual loose herbs or formulas that take time to brew or steep. If you’re fighting a fever you don’t want to have to hunt or forage for violet leaves if you didn’t whip up a tincture last fall. These are just what you can grab and go with for travel, to have in the car or office. It’s what I sent with Clara when she went to school in Ireland.

I should note here, this blog was originally created before Clara went to college and before Covid-19.  Yes, there are herbs for working with Covid, but that is not the focus of this blog but I am happy to say, that some of the herbs I suspected to help with Covid have turned out to be strong allies in the treatment of Covid.

My Top 10

  1. Gan Mao Ling – Common cold. Use at first signs. Clears heat, dispels wind, relieves cough, opens the sinuses. It’s wicked effective - must be magic. I found this formula to be very helpful when I was wrangling Covid last Christmas.

  2. Kudzu or Ge gen wan formula – Neck, shoulder and jaw tightness. Wind invading the upper channels. Extensive studies show kudzu to have no know contraindication, and it is used in prevention of breast cancer, to aid digestion and treat alcoholism and hypertension. I start taking it as soon as I feel I’m fighting a cold or virus. It’s proving very useful in the treatment of minor and long Covid.

  3. Pill Curing/Kang Ning – Digestion. Moves food stasis, nausea, gas, bloating, vomiting. Any digestive complaint, great when traveling and nearly every Asian market will have it or something similar. I never leave home without it.

  4. Suan Zao Ren – Anxiety and nerves. A lovely Heart/mind formula. Tonifies Heart Qi, clears heat in the blood, subdues yang and calms the mind, yet increases focus. Good for your little anxiety bundles.

  5. Yunnan Bai Yao – Bleeding and shock. Regulates or stops bleeding. Most packets have a little red pill that is administered for shock or trauma.

  6. Xiao Yao Wan (Free & Easy Wanderer) – Classic for harmonizing Liver and Spleen. Frustration, anger, mood swings, PMS and sugar cravings. One of the most common formulas, especially for teens.

  7. Du Huo Ji Sheng – Pain. It can be used for generalized or nonspecific pain.

  8. Pe Min Kan Wan or Bi Yan Pian – Sinus congestion formula useful in colds or allergies.

If you are counting, that’s only 8 formulas. I left open 2  spaces for specific personalized formulas. These formulas would be based on current health conditions, age, gender, etc.  For example you may need something to cool your hot flashes, or to treat gallbladder attacks. Chronically cold? There dozens of formulas that warm and move circulation.

Though the above formulas make up a basic “first aid kit” they aren’t specific to individual patterns such as chronic gallbladder or heart patterns.. Seek the guidance of your practitioner to fill out your cupboard. If you are on medications, consult your healthcare providers before taking herbs.

Be well,


April Crowell

AOBTA Certified Instructor, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)

Cert. Holistic Nutritionist

Inspiration and education for a healthy and sustainable future.

Writer, mentor, teacher of Amma Therapy, Asian (Chinese) medicine
Holistic Nutrition & Herbs


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