The Earth Horary Points

Horary points are points that correspond to the same element (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, or Wood) as the Organ/Official of the channel where they reside - Fire point on the Fire channel, Water point on the Water channel, etc.

I teach these points to clients because they are simple self help tools. You may leave a session with a marker dot on points (with your permission, of course.)

You can stimulate these points at anytime, but their energetic influence has greater potential during their time of day - and they have an even stronger influence when treated during their seasonal times on the solstices and equinoxes. For example - treating the Wood point, on the Liver Wood channel at 3 am on the Spring equinox amplifies the point’s energetic functions.

Our Earth element is unique. Where all the other elements correspond with a solstice or equinox — Earth corresponds with the Season of Late Summer, and the shift from one season to the next. It’s a buffer between each season where we focus on coming back to center and balancing. Check out my blog on Late Summer.

Each point is bilateral and they are located on the hands and wrists — you can work them now as you read this. Massage each point for 20-30 seconds....ahhh...

Here's a quick overview.

Spleen 3 —Tai Bai - Supreme White

Categories— Yuan, and Earth Horary, 9-11 am (Late Summer).

Location — Proximal and inferior to the head of the first metatarsal bone at the junction of the red and flesh.

Functions & Indications

  • Regulates Spleen Qi and Yang - Hunger with no desire to eat, loss of appetite, sensation of heaviness in the body, edema.

  • Regulates the Stomach and Large Intestines - Cock’s crow diarrhea, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, any digestive difficulties.

Stomach 36— Zu San Li - Foot 3 Miles

Categories — Sea and Earth Horary, 7-9 am (Late Summer).

Location —Three units inferior to Stomach 35 (St 35 or Calf’s nose is located in the lateral divot of the knee) and 1 unit lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia. A unit is the width of your thumb at the knuckle.

Functions & Indications

  • This is a strongly tonifying point that was often treated daily to build strength before a journey or for recovery.

  • Regulate Spleen (Qi and Yang) and Stomach (Qi and Yin), regulates the middle burner, warms cold, redirects rebellious Qi downward. Use for any digestive disorder - and I do mean any. I use this point in every Amma session.

  • Tonifies Kidney Yang, regulates Qi and Blood flow, calms the fetus - Use for extreme fatigue, Yang collapse, vertigo, palpitations, urinary disorders, dizziness, anemia, late or absent menses, anxiety and nervousness.

  • Drains dampness - edema, jaundice, biliary tract diseases, absesses, breast distention, mastitis, constipation and diarrhea.

  • Strengthens Wei Qi and Yang, and relieves the exterior - Use for exterior invasions such as colds, flu, virus, facial paralysis, low back pain.

Happy point hunting.


April Crowell

AOBTA Certified Instructor, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)

Cert. Holistic Nutritionist

Inspiration and education for a healthy and sustainable future.

Writer, mentor, teacher of Amma Therapy, Asian (Chinese) medicine
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