My Recipes

My recipes reflect my core beliefs in food and eating well. We should enjoy vibrant, healthy foods that helps us ebb and flow with the seasons, or treat patterns as they arise. I encourage eating local, organic and sustainable foods whenever possible. As such, most of my recipes reflect the food that grows in the region I live - Boise, Idaho. The occasional non-local food will end up on my plate, but I resist foods that are unsustainable, require a lot of resources for growth or transport, or threaten food sovereignty. I am grateful for the huge abundance and variety available to us. The return of small, heritage farms is increasing providing even more options and the chance to further support my community. I hope you enjoy my recipes - April

Curing With Congee
April Crowell April Crowell

Curing With Congee

Congee, jook, shi-fan - whatever name you would like to call it - rice porridges are a wonderfully comforting and healing food.

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Savory Sweet Potatoes, Beets & Kale
April Crowell April Crowell

Savory Sweet Potatoes, Beets & Kale

Sweet potatoes, beets, yams and other roots come together in this savory dish. A staple in my home during the cooler months, this dish can liven up breakfast, be a full lunch (add a side of white beans?) and dinner.

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Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
April Crowell April Crowell

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Are you carving a pumpkin and enjoying delicious winter squash at your dinner table? Great! Don't toss those seeds, eat them!

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Pumpkin Spice Pancakes
April Crowell April Crowell

Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

Pumpkin is a fantastic, nutrient rich and inexpensive food. This recipe brings it to the breakfast table.

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Pumpkin Spice Recipe
April Crowell April Crowell

Pumpkin Spice Recipe

Fragrant, sweet and warming this pumpkin pie spice is great for gift giving to enjoy for yourself.

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3 Sisters Salad
soups and stews, Salads April Crowell soups and stews, Salads April Crowell

3 Sisters Salad

The 3 (Three) Sisters are the staple foods of the Indigenous people of the Americas. A legume, corn, and a squash, wisely planted together to support each other’s growth. The nutritional combination is solid. High protein, fiber, vitamin and mineral rich — they all store well and simply delicious.

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Cranberry Pumpkin Bread
April Crowell April Crowell

Cranberry Pumpkin Bread

A wonderfully warming and comforting way to use cranberries and the never-ending supply of pumpkin.

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