Blueberry Cornbread

This recipe make great use of foods that are native to North and South America - corn, maple syrup and blueberries. A favorite as a breakfast food. For winter months use frozen berries that have been thawed and drained or omit the berries and add 1 cup of your favorite chopped nut. Delightful with walnuts.


1 ½ c. cornmeal

¾   c. wheat or spelt flour (I used spelt)

4 tsp. baking powder (aluminum free )

1 tsp. salt

2 eggs

1 ¼ c. nut or soy milk

¼ c. light olive or sunflower oil

1 T. maple syrup

2 cup blueberries 


Mix together all dry ingredients in a bowl.  Beat eggs and milk together.  Stir these into the dry mixture along with the oil and syrup.  The mixture should be quite wet.  Grease an 8 inch cast iron skillet. Spread 1 cup of berries in the bottom of the skillet. Pour wet mixture into the skillet and then sprinkle liberally with the remaining blueberries. Bake at 400° for about 25 - 30 minutes.  Test with a knife to ensure that it is cooked all the way through.


Builds Qi, Blood & Yin.  Affects the Spleen, Stomach and Kidney. Neutral and sweet in nature it strongly influences the Earth element.

April Crowell

AOBTA Certified Instructor, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)

Cert. Holistic Nutritionist

Inspiration and education for a healthy and sustainable future.

Writer, mentor, teacher of Amma Therapy, Asian (Chinese) medicine
Holistic Nutrition & Herbs


Grandma June’s Gingersnaps

