Radishes - Nature’s Phlegm Fighter

One of the first roots to come out of the garden is the bold radish--and the timing couldn't be better considering radishes' ability to clear out gunk. I mean gunk literally.... but I'm jumping ahead.

A little history

The radish has been around for a while. The root appears in every continent and every culture, being used in religious ceremonies or  as commodity. Pharaohs would feed them to slaves, had to quite the combination with beer soup--ick.     Many of us are familiar with the dainty red or white globe radishes, but radishes vary as much in size and flavor as the location they grow.  The Sakurajima radish of Japan can grow up to 90 lb, and some varieties in India grow up to 3 1/2 feet long.  They can be round and plump or tangled, twisted and long.  They can be white, red or a rich black color.  Whatever their differences, they members of the radish family fall into the pungent category of the 5 Flavors are all pungents and  they offer marvelous nutritional and healing properties.

Western nutritional highlights

Radishes are high in sulfur compounds that aid in the digestive process by regulating the gall bladder and increasing bile production and flow. High in folic acid and potassium, radishes are excellent for pregnant women.  Especially, as their pungent nature cuts heavy phlegm which is often a problem in pregnancy.

Eastern nutritional energetics and healing properties of radishes

Radishes are cooling to hot in nature - radish runs the spectrum.

Radish is a pungent, as such its nature runs on a spectrum like the onion family.  The milder radishes have a slightly cooling to neutral temperature — and then there are the hot zingers such as horseradish and wasabi.   The beauty of this spectrum means that radishes can treat anyone with a phlegm situation — whether it’s hot or cold. Hot phlegm, characterized by thick yellow or green sticky mucus and a sensation of heat will benefit from the milder radishes like Daikon.  Cold mucus, characterized by clear or white and possibly runny discharge and a sensation of cold would benefit from small amounts of warmer radishes.

Manages mucus and phlegm

We are supposed to have mucus — it just needs to be of the right amount and consistency for the location.  All radishes have a dynamic ability to clear up gunk.  Phlegm conditions like asthma, allergies, bronchitis, colds, pneumonia and yeast benefit greatly from radish.  You just need to use a little caution.  If you are prone to heat and have lots of yellow, thick mucus back away from the hot radish and use small amount so of the cooler.  Too much heat on a hot condition will worsen it.

Clears and detoxes the Liver and Gallbladder

One of the Liver's role in Chinese medicine is to maintain the smooth and easy flow of Qi.  Qi can stagnation due to inappropriate management of emotions (oh, yeah - lot's of that in the US), rich and congesting diet, or toxins, radishes can run to the rescue.  Like other pungents they move Qi which will allow the Liver and his Yang partner the Gallbladder to chill out —ah....free and flexible again.

Aid in digestion and weight loss, helps eliminate fats and stimulate the metabolism

Radishes' ability to move stagnate Qi means that bile flow easily and the digestive organs receive Qi to transform foods.  I consider radishes essential if you are trying to bust up excess fats.  Their pungent nature gives the metabolism a nice little lift without depleting the system.

Busts up stones

Stones are considered an excess accumulation in Chinese medicine.  Here again, radishes can come to the rescue.  Include them regularly to help dissolve existing stones and for prevention.

Releases to the exterior - that means it helps fight colds

Radishes pungent moving nature helps the immune system warm up to push out exterior pathogens like a cold, flu or sore throat.  Many classic remedies include a combination of vinegar with wasabi or horseradish that you run and take swig of when you start coming down with something.  I use the grated Daikon and honey recipe for sore throats.

Caution! A note on radishes

Match your pattern.  When in health dancing between the cooler to the hotter varieties is fine.  If you have a very hot condition — ringing in the ears, high temperature, high blood pressure, keep to the cooler side.  If you have cold condition—slow metabolism, slow digestion, hypo thyroid, adrenal exhaustion use the warmer end of the spectrum.  A little goes a long way. Radishes can sometimes cause digestive rebellious Qi —that's burping.  Include a few digestive enzymes until your system gets used to digesting them.

Ways to use radishes

  • Slice them onto salads—Toss them over your mix of greens or just serve them as a side with dinner.

  • Nosh them straight from the garden—Okay you can rinse off the excess dirt first.

  • Stew them—Yeah, really.  The larger radishes are often used in soups and stews.

  • Grate them with carrots— Eat as is or toss them over salad greens.  They are great with sprouts!

  • Blend them—If you are prone to allergies or seasonal phlegm puree together radishes with a little vinegar, water and maybe a touch of honey.  Sip on it throughout the day to release lung phlegm.

  • Slice them onto sandwiches— Definite shift from bland

Be well!


April Crowell

AOBTA Certified Instructor, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)

Cert. Holistic Nutritionist

Inspiration and education for a healthy and sustainable future.

Writer, mentor, teacher of Amma Therapy, Asian (Chinese) medicine
Holistic Nutrition & Herbs


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