Recent Blogs
Holistic Nutrition, Asian/Chinese Medicine & Randomness
The Energetics of Dandelions
Jolly and bright, dandelions have a tenacious nature that can be a blessing to our bodies by clearing excess heat, congestion and goo.
Looking For Li
12 Tips To Simplify Your Meals
Learn how the virtues of the 5 Elements can help you create ease in your self nourishment and menu planning.
Buy 5 Get 1 Free
Buy 5 Amma sessions and get 1 free. A savings of $100.
My Courses Are Moving!
All of my courses will soon be here on
April Online
Work with me online. I offer online or over the phone consultations in Asian/Chinese medicine, herbs and nutrition.
Each session is highly personalized to focus on your concerns and patterns whether they are acute or chronic and always working from a space of addressing the whole - body, mind and spirit.
Protein Pairs - Matching Grains & Legumes
Pairing whole grains with beans.
6 Soups For Spring
6 of my favorite spring soups. Download the ebook
My Views On Eating Well
Choosing a nutritionist or health coach can be a challenge. Here’s a simple view of how I approach eating well.
The Energetic Temperature Of Food Poster
Learn the energetic nature of foods!
The 12 Court Officials In Chinese Medicine
A quick look at the roles of the 12 Court Officials.
Heal + Create Virtual Retreat - Feb 4 -10
Heal + Create Virtual Retreat Feb 4-10