Before You Go-Tips & Herbs To Take With You When Traveling
We love vacation and travel!
But nobody wants to be sick while they are hiking in the mountains or exploring a new country. It makes sense to both prepare yourself before you leave and be prepared while you are traveling.
You don't need to take up an entire suitcase of extra 'first aid' supplies - a little space will do. I pack light, just enough of my chosen herbs to get through a few days if I have to use them. Then, I can find an apothecary or herb store.
A few tips before you go
Know thyself
We have propensities for particular pathologies. (Say that 5 times fast.) These personal patterns might be digestive issues, headaches or neck and shoulder pain. It's best to know your patterns and get them under control before you leave so you can travel with minimal complaints. For example, if you are going to fly and you have sinus congestion, start working to clear up your congestion before you get on the plane so you don't feel like your head's going to pop at 30,000 feet. Personally, I'm prone to neck tightness and aches. I always have kudzu or a neck formula on hand when I travel and I make sure that I keep my neck warm, protected and relaxed before leaving. I keep a light scarf or pashmina with me to protect against drafts on flights, a cold building, or wicked breezes.
Since having Covid - which super sucked - I am cautious to make sure my immune system is strong before I leave. Check with your practitioner if you need guidance in figuring out some of your patterns or natures.
Know where you are going
Narita, Japan 2016
Are you going to be in the city, casual camping, or hiking through the jungle? Will you be near home or overseas? Packing appropriate clothes for the climate is a no-brainer, but you can up your preparedness by having a few formulas on had to counter the elemental natures of particular areas. Another example, when we traveled to Korea during the summer a few years ago we were heading from a hot and dry climate to one of damp heat. Summer heat can be a problem for me, so I packed a specific formula to treat invasion of damp heat. If you are camping you may want to add in herbs for handling bug bites and burns, and a first aid kit.
Learn your food energetics
Norway 2023
Feeling queasy? Nausea is one of the most common complaints when traveling. Knowing that phlegm and damp forming foods (cheeses, dairy, sweet foods) will make it worse while sour or bitter flavors will move the stagnation out of the digestive track can be a life-savor. Instead of having the mocha, maybe a lemon drink would be better. If you are cold, perhaps yogurt and granola isn't an ideal breakfast and you should go for something hot. Get it? You can download my Energetic Temperature of Foods Chart here.
Although I don't use western medicines a lot, travel is a time when I do make sure I have a few on hand. You will want to shut down an acute headaches or allergic reactions as soon as possible.
To the list!
Pack the necessities
I always pack a small traditional western first aid kit -
aspirin or ibuprofen
A wee wound kit - band aids, antiseptic. My kit is small, it fits in a little tin. If we are camping, I take a bigger kit. After that, it's time to pack the herbal necessities.
Stomach ick!
Pill Curing (Culing Wan) is the classic for any digestive complaints from jet lag, to gas and bloating, diarrhea and motion sickness. You may be eating unfamiliar food so digestive aids are a good idea.
Green Clay — Can be used to treat gas, bloating, diarrhea and it can also be used as a plaster over bug bites and bee stings.
Crystalized ginger —Not only for treating stomach ick, it's nicely warming and can be used to counter menstrual cramps or warm you up if you've been out in the cold too long.
I usually pack a few teabags too - chamomile, lemon and lavender, always a mint tea.
Yarrow is nature’s styptic pencil. Know it, grow it. Just the leaf, dried or fresh will stop bleeding. Maybe pack some along.
Yunnan Bai Yao regulates and stops bleeding. All packets include a little tiny red pill that is used to treat shock. Take it right away if there has been a traumatic incident, even psycho-spiritual trauma.
Du Huo Ji Sheng, Channel Flow, SPZM, or AC-Q are just a few of the fantastic pain formulas that are available. If you are client of mine and have chronic aches and pain you likely have a formula lurking in your cupboard.
Remember personalize? Besides kudzu, I usually have some skullcap which is particularly good for jaw, neck and head pain.
Common cold - I choose one of the following
Ganmaoling — it's just magical. Found in almost any Asian market, kicks a cold quick. You can take a low dose preventative for a short period and higher dose when you are full out fighting.
Immustim or Immuplex — Immustim by Professional Formulas is a beautiful combination of herbs and vitamins. Immuplex by Standard Process is a glandular product. Both are fabulous at boosting the immune system. I use them at low doses for general building and higher doses for treating the acute.
Yin Chaio is another great formula for onset of colds and fevers.
Wellness formula is a great western herbal combo.
Sinus congestion
Pe Min Kan Wan or Bi Yan Pian — both are excellent nasal clearing formulas whether the congestion is from allergies or a cold.
Superior throat spray — if you used this spray you know it's tremendously clearing, anti viral and anti-fungal, it can be poofed into the ears, nose or throat. It's a strong smelling formula, very herby-medicinal, and will cover the bad body odor of someone next to you, consider wisely before you poof it. Yes, it will cover their smell but you are going to draw a lot of attention to yourself.
Sore Throat
Propolis with goldenseal or echinaccea sprays are now readily available at healthfood stores.
Ganmaoling — did I mention it's magical?
Lung and Throat drops or some lovely cough drop.
Sleep and anxiety
If you are prone to sleep or anxiety issues, pack something to help
Suan Zao Ren is my favorite. An Mian Pian or Calm Spirit are great options as well.
You have to develop this list yourself, it's based out of the know thyself and knowing your patterns. If you have wicked headaches that you sometimes have to take prescription medicines for, don't forget them! Do you need something to help with congestion or allergies? Hot flashes? Again, check with your practitioner if you need guidance.
Use some wisdom
I like to use bulk kudzu and dried nettles at home because I cook with them. However a little baggy of white chalky stuff or crushed dried green herbs could raise a few suspicions in airports. I travel with kudzu that is in capsule. Make sense?
If you do travel, please be safe.