Recent Blogs
Holistic Nutrition, Asian/Chinese Medicine & Randomness
Finding The Helpers
A list of folks I am following right now to help me stay abreast of current political, social and health issues.
Eat Your Sprouts
A glance at the benefits and energetics of sprouts.
The Energetics Of Grapes
The energetic properties of grapes.
Autumn - Eating With The Seasons
Understanding the foods of Autumn the Metal Season.
Amma Therapy - Asian Bodywork
An overview of Amma Therapy.
A Bit About Apples
The energetics and nutritional value of apples.
Tomatoes – The Fruit Dressed As A Vegetable
The energetics of one of our favorite…fruits.
A Bit About Apricots
Apricots nourish yin, cool heat and build the blood.
Raspberries – Red, Black and Gold
The energetics of one of our favorite berries - raspberries.
Before You Go-Tips & Herbs To Take With You When Traveling
The essential herbs I travel with.
Purslane’s Cooling Nature
Purslane’s politely cooling nature.
Helping You Hydrate
Tips to keep you well watered.