The Wood Horary Points
Horary points are element points that correspond to the same element as the Organ/Official of the channel where they reside — such as the Fire point on the Fire channel. Working the points at their peak time of day can increase the point's benefits. We get an extra boost when we treat these points at their time on their corresponding seasonal shift. For the Spring equinox, we work the Wood points on the Wood channels.
I know, that's early. I also know a lot of you are awake at that time anyway - darn, entry and exit blocks. We'll get to them later.
Each point is bilateral - one on each foot. Massage each point for 20-30 seconds....ahhh...
Liver 1 — Da Dun, Great Esteem, Great Sincerity
Category —Well and Wood points, Horary point 1-3 am (Spring Equinox)
Location —On the lateral corner of the nail root of the great toe.
Functions & Indications
Empowers the Liver’s role as the General in charge of vision and planning. Yes! You can do that.
Regulates Liver Qi and Blood, Spreads Liver Qi (moves stagnation), transforms damp-heat in the Lower Jiao (Lower Burner). Use for frustration, anger, pain anywhere, high pitched ringing in the ears, headaches, flank pain, hypertension. Any inflammation or infection in the genitals and urinary tract. Irregular menses, PCOS, endometriosis, inguinal hernia, sweating, constipation.
Contains and regulates Blood —Any bleeding pathology - blood in the stools, heavy menstrual bleeding.
Revives consciousness — Fainting, seizures, dizziness, strokes, disorientation.
Gallbladder 41 — Zu Lin Qi, Foot Near Tears
Category — Stream and Wood points, Horary point 11 pm -1 am (Spring Equinox), Girdle Vessel Confluent point.
Location — In the depression distal to the junction of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones on the lateral side of the tendon.
Functions & Indications
Empowers Gallbladder’s virtue as the Wise Judge to discern how to act on plans and to have the courage to take action. Decisive action comes from the Gallbladder. It empowers all Wood virtues and helps release stagnant emotions through tears.
Spreads the Liver Qi (moves stagnation), expands and relaxes the chest and sinews. Treats pain anywhere especially headaches, flank pain, pain in the hips and legs. Menstrual pain, PCOS. Anger, frustration, digestive issues including, GERD, acid reflux, IBS, gas and bloating.
Clears damp heat in the lower burner. Urinary tract infections, inflammation of the genitalia.
Clears the eyes and benefits the head, calms wind, headaches and all eye disorders.
Happy point hunting.