The Summer solstice is June 20th

This is the peak of maximum Yang in the season of Yang. It’s a great time to work your Fire points on the Fire channels.

Horary points are element points that correspond to the same element as the Organ/Official of the channel where they reside — The Fire points on the Fire channels, Wood points on Wood channels, etc. Working the points at their peak time can increase the point's benefits. You can use these points at any time, but their influence can be stronger during their time of day - and even greater when it aligns with their seasonal time.

Each point is bilateral and they are located on the hands and wrists — you can work them now as you read this. Massage each point for 20-30 seconds....ahhh...

Here's a quick overview.

The Fire element is unique in that it has 4 Officials (or organs) - 2 Yin and 2 Yang—whereas the other elements have only 2 Officials — 1 Yin and 1 Yang. These 4 Officials are organized in a hierarchy. And it has a lot to do with healthy relationships and boundaries.

  • The Heart as Sovereign ruler sits in the innermost Palace. Who is closest to us? Do we keep others too far away, or allow those who maybe harmful in to close? What is the light we want to bring to the world? Our gifts, our volition. This is a parent child relationship or very intimate over— those who are closest to us — may they be healthy relationships.

  • The Small Intestine is the closest minister to the Emperor and separates the pure from the impure sorting who gets into to see the Emperor. This is our family, close friends and lovers.

  • The Pericardium protects the Emperor by managing who is in the city. We’re cool with bumping into these folks in public.

  • The San Jiao (Triple Burner) is the outer most gate — think Great Wall — and protects who gets into the city. Oh, hell no…we don’t want these folks in our realm.

Our warmth, love, passion, volition and ability to connect meaningfully with others are virtues of a healthy Fire element.

Heart 8 - Shao Fu - Lesser Palace

Categories— Ying Spring, Fire Horary 11 am - 1 pm (Summer solstice).

Location — On the palm, between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, on the palmar crease where the pinky finger touches.

Functions & Indications

  • Calms the Shen - soothes anxiety, nervousness and dream disturbed sleep.

  • Calms the sense of urgency of repressed or unfulfilled desires.

  • Clears heat or sparks heat in the Heart. Excess heat in the heart creates anxiety, tension, nervousness, while lack of Fire appears as lack of drive, desires, and volition.

Small Intestine 5— Yang Gu - Yang Valley

Categories — Jing River, Fire Horary, 1 -3 pm (Summer solstice).

Location — On the ulnar side of the wrist in the depression between the styloid process of the ulna and the triquetral bone.

Functions & Indications

  • Regulates Small Intestines - tonifying or sedating as needed.

  • Strengthens Small Intestine’s function of separating pure from impure.

  • Clears heat and wind heat. Clears heat in the brain - dizziness, mania, incoherent speech, tinnitus. Excellent point for fevers, dizziness, mumps, toothache, and viruses.

Pericardium 8 - Lao Gong, Palace of Labor

Categories — Spring, Fire Horary, 7-9 pm (Summer solstice), Yin Linking confluent point, and Ghost point.

Location — Where the tip of the 3rd finger meets the palm when you make a soft fist. The point lies on the radial edge of the 3rd metacarpal bone. Direct your pressure slightly towards the radial edge of the 3rd metacarpalphalangeal joint.

Functions & Indications

  • Tonifies and Regulates the Heart, clears Heart phlegm and Heart fire. Use for mania, anxiety, extreme agitation, chest pain, heart diseases, shock, palpitations and dream disturbed sleep.

  • Calms the Shen and clears the mind. Use for insomnia, seizures, hysteria, wind stroke, emotional swings from excessive joy to coldness and apathy.

  • Redirects rebellious Qi downward, clears heat in the Liver and Gallbladder. Excellent point when there is too much heat rising too fast. Use for acid reflux, Summer heat, inability to regulate body temperature, vomiting, nausea, jaundice, pancreatitis, diseases of the bile duct, jaundice, and headache.

  • San Jiao 6 - Fei Hu - Flying Tiger

Categories — Jing River, Fire Horary point 9-11 pm (Summer solstice).

Location — 3 tsun proximal to San Jiao 4 between the ulna and the radius.

Functions & Indications

  • Regulates San Jiao and its ability to balance between exterior and interior. Grounds rising Yang. Dispels wind, heat, fire and cold, transforms phlegm. Use for eczema, edema, lock jaw, and nausea. Treats febrile diseases, malaria, dengue fever, herpes, and calms tidal fevers including menopausal hot flashes and post viral fevers.

  • Quells inappropriate contact and connection with others.

Happy point hunting.


April Crowell

AOBTA Certified Instructor, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)

Cert. Holistic Nutritionist

Inspiration and education for a healthy and sustainable future.

Writer, mentor, teacher of Amma Therapy, Asian (Chinese) medicine
Holistic Nutrition & Herbs


Cornsilk For Your Bladder And Gallbladder


Summer – Eating With The Seasons