My Recipes
My recipes reflect my core beliefs in food and eating well. We should enjoy vibrant, healthy foods that helps us ebb and flow with the seasons, or treat patterns as they arise. I encourage eating local, organic and sustainable foods whenever possible. As such, most of my recipes reflect the food that grows in the region I live - Boise, Idaho. The occasional non-local food will end up on my plate, but I resist foods that are unsustainable, require a lot of resources for growth or transport, or threaten food sovereignty. I am grateful for the huge abundance and variety available to us. The return of small, heritage farms is increasing providing even more options and the chance to further support my community. I hope you enjoy my recipes - April
A simple kitchen remedy to aid in the prevention and treatment of colds, flu, sinus congestion and sore throats.
Orange Peel Tea
A simple remedy to treat acute or chronic phlegm. Make sure you have a jar of dried peel ready to go!
Basic Bitters
A simple guide to making bitters
Refreshing and replenishing.