Recent Blogs
Holistic Nutrition, Asian/Chinese Medicine & Randomness
Spring’s Energetics – The Season Of The Wood Element
Spring, the season of the wood element and the Liver and Gallbladder organs.
Dealing With Damp And Fighting Phlegm
Tools and tips for dealing with dampness and fighting phlegm.
Countering Coughs
An introduction to how Asian/Chinese medicine identifies patterns of coughs and what steps you can take to self treat.
The Energetics of Dandelions
Jolly and bright, dandelions have a tenacious nature that can be a blessing to our bodies by clearing excess heat, congestion and goo.
Looking For Li
The 8 Branches Of Asian Medicine
The hierarchy of willful cultivation of awareness to take care of one’s self.
Our Love Affair With Chocolate & Understanding The Energetics of Chocolate
Our favorite bitter food - learn a little about chocolate’s history and its energetics.
Breaking Through Stagnation
A look at the causes of stasis of Qi, Blood and Fluids in the body and what you can do to get things moving.
Finding The Helpers
A list of folks I am following right now to help me stay abreast of current political, social and health issues.
Small Intestine 1 - Little Marsh
A point to help you sort the pure from the impure.
Relaxed Wandered - Xiao Yao Wan
Xiao Yao Wan — Relaxed Wander — a beautifully harmonizing formula.
A Few Teas To Curb The Queasies
A few teas to help you settle a troubled tummy.