Recent Blogs
Holistic Nutrition, Asian/Chinese Medicine & Randomness
The Colon – The Official In Charge Of The Drain Ditch
The Colon - The official in charge of the drain ditch.
Eat Your Colors
A few benefits of eating colors.
Nourishing Teenage Athletes
A few tips for meeting the nutritional needs of teenage athletes.
Spice It Up! Using The Hot Pungents
The energetic actions of hot pungents.
The Energetics of Gluten Free Grains
The benefits of gluten free grains in your diet.
Cooking With Whole Grains
A basic cooking guide for your grains.
Cool Cucumbers - Understanding Cucumber's Energetics
Crisp, cool cucumbers provide vital vitamins and minerals while cooling down excess heat(yang).
The Energetics And Medicinal Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea
Simple raspberry leaves offer numerous benefits for women and men.
Cherries - Nature’s Blood Cleanser
Cherries nourish, cool and clear the blood.
Yin & Yang – Understanding Opposites
A very brief introduction to one of foundational principles of Chinese Medicine.
My Views On Eating Well
Choosing a nutritionist or health coach can be a challenge. Here’s a simple view of how I approach eating well.
The Nutrient Qi Cycle - The Cycle of Tides
One of the many flows of Qi in the body, the Nutrient Cycle or Cycle of Tides is a useful assessment tool.