Creating Healthy Eating Habits Course

Learn how the Earth element rules your ability to receive nourishment, its vices and virtues, and the habits that help create a joyous relationship to food and eating well.

The most common complaint I hear from nutrition clients is that they are confused, overwhelmed, and frustrated. 

Social media and ads bombard us with fad diets, new food trends, and supplements. Differing ideas of when to eat, how to eat and what to eat are a swirling mass that may actually hinder our path to vitality rather than aid it. And many clients are working with nutritional needs that may need special adjustments in the diet to best aid their healing. 

Joy in eating and a deep knowledge that the food we eat nourishes their mind, body and spirit has slipped from the grasp of many - or perhaps it has never been tasted by some.

The purpose of this class is to help participants simplify. To step back from the whirling expanse and to revisit the simplest, often most profound, steps we can take for eating well.  

Class begins with a brief overview of the digestive system from both a Western and Eastern view and a sprinkling of Chinese medicine terminology for foundation. We then focus on the Earth element which rules digestion and the Stomach and Spleen, its processes, vices and virtues. We will touch on the other 5 elements (Fire, Water, Wood, and Metal) and their role is aiding Earth's ability to deeply embrace nourishment.   

This class is not about what to eat, but about how to eat. What processes and habits the Earth element and your digestion thrive on.  

This doesn’t mean we need to become gourmet chefs, cook from scratch - or even cook. Each person is at a different place in their life with self nourishing and their knowledge.  The habits and skills covered in this class can improve every aspect of our being and allow us greater quality of life and vitality.   

This is an excellent refresher for my Amma Therapy and Holistic Nutrition alumni and other holistic practitioners. 

No prior knowledge of Asian medicine (Chinese Medicine) is necessary.  

Includes a detailed companion booklet and a few fun recipes. 

Available on demand, $49 includes ebook

April Crowell

AOBTA Certified Instructor, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)

Cert. Holistic Nutritionist

Inspiration and education for a healthy and sustainable future.

Writer, mentor, teacher of Amma Therapy, Asian (Chinese) medicine
Holistic Nutrition & Herbs


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