Stewed Dried Fruit

Stewed dried fruit is a great way to get in rich vitamins, fiber and flavor in the Winter. And it’s so simple. Serve as is in a small bowl or over hot grain cereal, or in tarts, quick breads or crisps.

Servings: 4 Prep Time: 5 mins Cook: 10 min


  • 2 cups mixed dried fruit apricots, cherries, cranberries, etc

  • 1/2-3/4 cup water, wine or brandy or a combination

  • cinnamon

  • nutmeg

  • honey or maple syrup (optional)


In a small pan, combine fruit, liquid and spices. Cook over medium/low heat until fruit is soft and absorbed most of the fluids. You may have to add more fluid depending on the moisture density of the dried fruit you started with. Adjust seasonings and add honey or maple syrup if necessary.

Recipe Notes

Energetics: The energetics of this recipe will vary depending on the fruit and grain you serve it over (if desired). As an over all, this recipe is mostly sweet and sour. It nourishes, Qi, Blood and Fluids and clears the bowels.

Primary Season: Winter

April Crowell

AOBTA Certified Instructor, Dipl. ABT (NCCAOM)

Cert. Holistic Nutritionist

Inspiration and education for a healthy and sustainable future.

Writer, mentor, teacher of Amma Therapy, Asian (Chinese) medicine
Holistic Nutrition & Herbs


Nettle Tea


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